Voyaging Canoe Hikianalia to Visit Channel Islands Harbor

Voyaging Canoe Hikianalia to visit Channel Islands Harbor
Alahula Kai O Maleka - Hikeianalia - California Voyage

A 10-person crew sailing the traditional Polynesian voyaging canoe Hikianalia will visit the Channel Islands Harbor from October 10-14.

Hikianalia has sailed more than 2,800 miles across the Pacific to California carrying a message about the critical need to address climate change by demonstrating the value of nature, the oceans and indigenous knowledge. The crew is sailing the coast of California using solar and wind power as well as using traditional Polynesian wayfinding techniques: following cues from nature including the sun, stars, waves and birds.

Visitors are invited to meet the crew and tour Hikianalia, which will be docked at the Channel Islands Maritime Museum, during the visit. Here are the opportunities to participate:

Wednesday, October 10 (4 p.m.) –  Arrival & Welcome Ceremony at Channel Islands Maritime Museum 

Watch the Hikianalia as it enters the Harbor. Kayakers, canoers, and paddleboarders are welcome to follow Hikianalia in. After the Hikianalia enters, join members of the Barbareno/Ventureno Band of Mission Indians (Chumash) and the Hawaiian community to welcome the crew at the Channel Islands Maritime Museum.

Friday, October 12 (6 p.m. to 8 p.m.) – Crew Presentation, Channel Islands Maritime Museum 

Come talk story with the crew! The crew calls their presentations “talk story” sessions because they are a great way to ask questions and interact with crew members. Open to the public on a first-come, fist-registered basis, the presentations are for people of all ages interested in voyaging, traditional wayfinding, Hawaiian culture and engaging dialog about how we can all mālama honua, care for our Island Earth. This is a free family- friendly event. Please preregister for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/california-voyage-of-the-hikianalia-crew-presentation-tickets-50933906686

Saturday, October 13 (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) – Dockside Canoe Tours, Channel Islands Maritime Museum 

Ever wonder what it’s like to sail, navigate and live for weeks at sea aboard a Hawaiian voyaging canoe? Come and tour the canoe and meet the voyagers. Hikianalia crewmembers will be hosting dockside open-house canoe tours and welcomes families and people of all ages to visit this very unique canoe.

About the Hikianalia

Hikianalia, the wind- and solar-powered canoe built by the Okeanos Foundation for the Sea, is the sister vessel of the famed Hōkūleʻa. Hikianalia is the Hawaiian name for the star Spica, which rises together with Hōkūleʻa (Arcturus) in Hawaiʻi. They are sister stars because they break the horizon together at the latitude of the Hawaiian islands. Launched on September 15, 2012, Hikianalia was designed specifically for the Mālama Honua Worldwide Voyage. The canoe started as an escort vessel to Hōkūleʻa and is now used as a floating classroom blending ancient wisdom with modern solutions. Hikianalia specializes in scientific exploration of marine resources and training for the next generation of voyagers. Values and behavior practiced on the deck of the canoe including how to conserve resources, care for our oceans and fellow crewmembers are shared as a model for how we can live sustainably on islands or anywhere in the world. She combines the latest ecological technology with the heritage of voyaging tradition: each of her hulls contains an electric motor powered by onboard photovoltaic panels that convert sunlight to electric propulsive energy. With a zero carbon footprint, her design supports the “Mālama Honua” (care for Island Earth) mission.

Learn more by visiting http://www.hokulea.com/

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Director’s Message: Pushing Forward on Improvement

Channel Islands Harbor park

So, it has been about six weeks now since I settled into the saddle, and it has been very eventful.  I have been fortunate to meet many passionate residents and stakeholders in and around the Harbor.  I continue to stress that we in the Harbor Department recognize the issues and challenges around the Harbor, and I can assure you that we are pushing forward on all facets of improvement.

Park Maintenance

As an example, we have taken over maintenance of parks, parking lots and public restrooms around the Harbor.  For the past 50-plus years, this has been the responsibility of the City of Oxnard, and we are now assuming these duties as the City has struggled to devote the resources needed to handle these areas.  We are also evaluating the possibility of cleaning and weeding the street medians.  In addition, we are meeting with the City regularly to assist where we can in addressing the water quality issue in the City’s portion of the Harbor north of the Channel Islands Boulevard Bridge.

A groundskeeper mows the grass with a riding mower at CIH park
The Groundskeeper has been hired to provide park maintenance throughout the Harbor.

Present Meets Past

One of the highlights of these past weeks was a meeting with Tom Volk, the County’s first Harbor Director.  I had read the book Shifting Sands: The Early Years of Channel Islands Harbor, which details the development of the Harbor and the role played by “Touchdown Tom” as he was called in some circles, so I was excited to meet with Tom.  What struck me in the book was that many of the same issues faced by the Harbor Department 50 years ago are the same issues prevalent today.  Tom was the father of the “Pay-As-You-Go” philosophy of development, wherein the County sought out private developers to develop around the Harbor, gave them leases, and supported the Harbor enterprise operations by charging fees to the lessees throughout the term of the leases.  That is how the Harbor is managed today.  Decades ago there was criticism about the lease fees, as there is today.

Mark Sandoval (left) pictured with Tom Volk (right)
Mark Sandoval (left) pictured with Tom Volk (right)

One difference between the Harbor generations is that he had an easier time developing projects around the Harbor because development was not met with the same level of criticism and opposition that it is today.  I asked Tom if he believed he could develop the Harbor today with the same developments that were built back then, and he said he did not believe it could happen.  It was a great opportunity to meet the man who did so much for the Harbor and County Airports, and who had so many great stories.

Project Updates

As part of my monthly message, I had promised to give updates on projects as appropriate.

Whale’s Tail

We have reached agreement with the operator on lease terms and will execute the lease once they provide the final facility rehabilitation and financial information.  We are getting very close to seeing real activity at the site.

Hyatt House Hotel

The development team is in the process of pulling construction permits to begin the project.  The biggest issue at this point is a street vacation permit needed from the City of Oxnard.  Their engineer is being told it will take 4-6 months to get that permit, provided there is no issue.  We wanted demolition to begin before the end of the year, but the developer does not want to start the project until this permit is obtained, in case there is an issue requiring a re-design.

Meet the Director

Finally, one of the assurances I made coming into this position is that I will be open and available.  To that end, my schedule has been full with groups and individuals wanting to meet with me on any topic of their choice.  I continue to make an assurance that I am available to meet with anyone who wants to meet.  I am not a big “let’s go to lunch” guy but more of a “how about a coffee chat” guy. We can also meet at my office or another location of your choice.  I do welcome and appreciate input, and while I do not promise to agree with all positions, I at least want you to know that I am willing to listen. To set up an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at Mark.Sandoval@ventura.org.

As always, live every day to the fullest.

Mark Sandoval
Harbor Director

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Ventura County Harbor Patrol Better Equipped to Respond to Oil Spills

VCHP officers run drills with their oil spill response equipment trailer on the launch ramp

Ventura County’s Harbor Patrol is now better equipped to respond to large scale oil spills thanks to a $35,000 grant awarded by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

The grant, awarded in May 2018, provided funds for the Harbor Department to purchase an equipment trailer, oil response containment booms, absorbent booms and pads, anchors, tool boxes, decontamination equipment, and other items.

Ventura County Harbormaster Gary Hirtensteiner said the purchase of the equipment will allow Harbor Patrol to serve as first-responders to a large scale oil spill prior to a larger State and Federal agency response.

“Minutes matter during a large scale disaster such as an oil spill,” Hirtensteiner said. “As part of our regular duties, the Harbor Patrol has routinely responded to small scale oil and fuel spills within the Harbor. With this new equipment, our team is now ready to respond to larger scale spills nearby while State and Federal agencies gear up and mobilize.”

On Aug. 22, 2018, Harbor Patrol conducted a training exercise to test the new equipment.

The training included becoming familiar and using the new equipment. Two Harbor Patrol boats pulled 200 feet of containment booms out into the Channel Islands Harbor while a trainer taught best practices for developing and maintaining the new equipment.


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Celebrate National Farmers Market Week at the Channel Islands Harbor

Boy makes faces with half an orange in his mouth

It’s National Farmers Market Week and there’s no better place to celebrate than the Channel Islands Harbor. After all, the Channel Islands Certified Farmers Market IS rated No. 1 by Yelp users and was recognized as the winner of the 2018 Ventura County Star’s Reader Choice Awards for the best market in west Ventura County.

Explore the Market…

Every Sunday, rain or shine, the Farmers’ Market is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. near Marine Emporium Landing. You will find a variety of vendors selling fresh-picked fruits and vegetables. There is also an assortment of baked goods, clothing, garden-related supplies as well as arts and crafts vendors offering their work for sale.

Happy toddler trying on hats with Mom at the Farmers' Market

Mom watches as a young boy samples fresh citrus

The fruits and vegetables you buy at the Farmers Market are the freshest and tastiest available. And by virtue of being whole foods, brought to you direct from farmers, they are some of the healthiest eats in town. You’ll want to eat the produce on the spot!

Most food found at the Farmers Market is minimally processed, and many of our farmers go to great lengths to grow the most nutritious produce possible by using sustainable techniques, picking produce right before the market, and growing heirloom varieties.

A smiling, stylish couple with new succulents stand next to a table full of strawberry

A women chooses from pints of fresh cherries and apricots

Furthermore, at the Farmers Market you can find an amazing array of produce that you don’t see in your average supermarket: a rainbow of heirloom tomatoes, strawberries, Korean melon, kale, Valencia oranges, and much, much more. It is a wonderful opportunity to savor the biodiversity of our region and eat healthy!

Come and enjoy an exciting Sunday of food and family fun in a beautiful and relaxed environment.

A couple peruses fresh produce at the CIH Farmers' Market

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