hi i'm tracy lahren in the next few
minutes we're going to meet the people
behind the mystic cruiser the tall ship
that's going to live in the channel
we think it's important that the kids
it's you know this the central coast
area is is based on the water and
there's just so much history here you
need to get out in the water and
some of these kids have never been
across the 101 freeway from santa
barbara they've never been on the beach
even get alone in the harbor let alone
that has all these creaky sounds and is
all eerie staying overnight on a ship i
it's a life-changing experience for them
for many of these kids i mean it's their
first time away from home often they're
scared because it's dark and all the
and they're also with their friends many
of them you know may be shy and stuff at
school but if they're given a position
of leadership by this crew that they
have to perform their duties and the
bullies can be the their minions too you
know so a lot of them develop just
self-confidence that they didn't come
incredibly the teachers talk about how
students come back a different child
into the classroom you know i'm
president of the channel islands harbor
foundation and we underwrite the
transportation grants for probably six
to seven thousand school-age kids a year
to come to either island packers to
participate in the islands or to come to
the maritime museum it's a very very
successful program i love the channel
islands i don't think it's a more
beautiful place in the united states so
you can go in the channel islands and
it's so wonderful to be able to do
things through the foundation through
the ship coming here so you can
get the kids out on the water you know
children are from oxnard ventura and
they've never been to the water
and their eyes just opened with awe and
amazement when they get on a
on a boat and go out to the islands or
they tour the maritime museum or
something like that it's just a unique
opportunity to open young people's minds
and as a teacher that's the one thing
you live for is be able to open people's
minds and watch the excitement of
she is a wonderful vessel she's
highly recommend to anyone to come out
and at least see her and then come
sailing with us she's going to be an
educational platform and hopefully we'll
be able to do other trips as well but
the chance to get to sail a vessel like
that where you have a large crew that is
an orchestrated ballet of handling sale
and just she's such a wonderful ship and
to teach history or science from that
sort of platform and very hands-on is an
i'm absolutely thrilled that she is
coming to channel islands harbor but
also that she'll have an important
mission she'll be really an asset to our
community and one that we can share with
so i i love that idea i really do feel
um this goes for santa barbara for us
they're really about people it's a place
where people come to meet and learn
the the people part of it is very
important even in terms of being a
museum so i really do see it as that you
know when i see a museum i think of
people and that's what mystic cruz is
going to do is she's going to do the
same thing i look at her and i'm going
to see people and i'm going to see and i
and i see maybe kids that haven't been
on the water being able to be on her
so it really brings us a unique
opportunity i love the idea of having a
classroom on the water letting kids come
out here and see what it was like you
know in the 1800s to actually be on a
sailing vessel and so i'm excited to
i've talked to people in their early 30s
that did this when they were fifth
and they to a person they tell me
it was a life-changing experience it's
the first time i had to be responsible
for anything it's also one of the few
things they really remember about that
number the fifth grade they say oh in
fifth grade we went you know and it was
can't wait to get the boat here and get
on it and i want to get on there and
it's just gonna it's so exciting roger
and sarah chrisman have been supporting
education programs and getting kids out
on the water for like a dozen years at
the santa barbara maritime museum and
they believe that no child should be
left ashore i think jean michelle
cousteau says you gotta love something
to protect it and so what uh the
christmans are allowing is these
children to learn a love for our oceans
and our channel and they'll be the
protectors of that channel in
there's nothing like seeing it in person
so come out and visit the channel